How the interior design looks like
Learn more about whole process
Interior design is a specific process. This action is always preceded by a necessary meeting, a preliminary inventory and talking with the client about the planned interior. This allows the interior designer to feel the atmosphere of the place and empathize with the needs of future residents. On this basis the actual design process start and designer sees which way it should continue to meet the needs of the customer.
Professional interior design
We tried to make cooperation with us quickly and smoothly
The idea
The idea which turns into a reality. From it all begins.
We are professionals, comprehensive service for us is essential.
You will not wait long for interior design of your dream.
Your satisfaction is important to us, we look forward with all of your suggestions.
The stages of the interior design process
Stage 1:
The concept of interior
• A meeting to identify the needs and requirements
• Signing of a cooperation agreement
• Analysis of the needs and inventory of interior
• Estimate cos of furniture, lighting and finishing materials
Stage 2:
Visualization of the interior
• Visualization of the project in a full 3D view
• Amendments to the agreed concept of interior
• Acceptance of the finished visual design by the investor
Stage 3:
Finalization of the project
• Making the technical descriptions and drawings
• Giving the investor or contractor full interior design, according to the agreement
We work with the best
Top designers and interior architects from Bydgoszcz

Our designs and realizations
Interior design with furniture

Execution of furniture design

Gallery of projects
Check out our galleries of interior designs and realizations